Thursday, 9 October 2008

Vintage knit

This could be the easiest thing I've ever knitted... I simply cast on, followed the pattern, and it fits! The sleeves are the same length, I'm just standing funny. 'Short-sleeved striped cotton sweater' from Vintage Knits by Sarah Dallas. (Actually, it's that pattern, but I used the stripe pattern from another one in the same book, and made the body one stripe longer.)


painted fish studio said...

i love it! it's a little advanced for me (i'm still on scarves and hats/bowls), but maybe some day i'll be able to knit one as cool as yours!

Lori said...

Beautiful sweater! I love it.

Michelle Engel Bencsko said...

Very pretty! I'm impressed with your knitting skills.

Anonymous said...

Love the vintage knit! If you want
to see some real vintage crochet and have a good laugh, go and have a look at

lauren fowler said...

noooo, I cannot believe you!!
You are a kniting goddess!
It's beautiful, i love it, i love the length of the sleeve.