This could be the easiest thing I've ever knitted... I simply cast on, followed the pattern, and it fits! The sleeves are the same length, I'm just standing funny. 'Short-sleeved striped cotton sweater' from Vintage Knits by Sarah Dallas. (Actually, it's that pattern, but I used the stripe pattern from another one in the same book, and made the body one stripe longer.)
i love it! it's a little advanced for me (i'm still on scarves and hats/bowls), but maybe some day i'll be able to knit one as cool as yours!
Beautiful sweater! I love it.
Very pretty! I'm impressed with your knitting skills.
Love the vintage knit! If you want
to see some real vintage crochet and have a good laugh, go and have a look at www.thisvintagelife.blogspot.com/
noooo, I cannot believe you!!
You are a kniting goddess!
It's beautiful, i love it, i love the length of the sleeve.
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