Monday 8 June 2009

Good advice

Read this post by potter Whitney Smith, and feel instantly calmer and more collected. It's not easy, but it is simple.


strikk handknits said...

ah, you see i needed to read this post you linked to today - thank you ;-)
looking forward to legwarmers too ;-)

Susan Scott said...

Nice post. Good idea to have a plan - although, I find it hard not to have the "plan" change from day to day. I think one of the hard things about being an artist/craftsperson is that the process includes having to be very self-critical. Is this the right color, is this image the best it can be, etc etc. And if you are actually trying to sell things, it gets even more complicated because you are trying to mesh your own taste with "the market".

Masha said...

Thanks - that was something I needed to read! :)
For me, at the moment, the problem is - what is an artist?

Or what exactly does it mean, to be an artist? Do you have to make a living out of your work? Have to have exhibitions?

At the moment I'm sticking to simply "have to make art". Works for me for the moment. Still have to get a plan, though...

Jenny said...

Nice! Her calm, focused, self assured tone was a good antidote to my sometimes neurotic, selfconscious fussing. Gorgeous work, too! Thanks for the link!

Billy said...

Thanks for the link! Very good advice.