I've just rearranged my studio, and it's looking very functional and very bare. I may just have to treat myself to a studio-warming gift of one of these sticky notice boards from Flowermill! They're screen printed canvas with a sticky surface, perfect for keeping all those notes and pics on display and off my desk.
Flowermill also produce luscious gift wrap, cards, notebooks, and boxes in beautiful colours and designs (but I'm very, very partial to that red print). Oh, and screen printed canvases to hang on your wall, too!

Even more tempting: they produce custom ranges. Imagine the possibilities.....
Oh I do love Flowermill!
I took that pic of the yellow paper, that's my belt buckle on it!
I interned with them in my final year of college.
Those new sticky boards are very cool.
I keep using prestik on the wall and then when I take the paper off, it takes a flake of paint with it...
Agree - the sitcky boards look cool.
Pssst... pop over you might like the quirky giveaway I'm running.
umm, sticky.
I've also been doing some reorganisation and decluttering of my craft and work stuff in my study/studio. It consisted mainly of shifting things from one pile onto another pile and packing them away in different boxes/ shelves. The sticky boards will solve some problems - but how long do they stay sticky? Hey! I know that red paper - I bought a roll at a Christmas fair last year! (PS I was intrigued by your 'pens' post below. I didn't realize you drew your illustrations with a nibbed pen! I kind of imagined a rollerball or felt tip pen. Do you do the coloured parts with pen and nib as well? And what type of ink do you use?
I saw those sticky boards a while back and feel in love with them.
Thanx for the great feedback and Jesse for the wonderful write up! The sticky substanc a.k.a 'polymer' is non-toxic and lasts up to 10 years! if you need to boost the stickyness you can wipe your stickyboard with a damp cloth! Debz @ FLOWERMILL
Wow! Never heard of Flowermill before and they are right here under my nose! I paid a visit to the website and will keep it in mind even for the office. Thanks, Jesse!
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