Printed using my Dryden Handicrafts book press, seen here during it's inaugural print run:

Old phone books, by the way, have just the right amount of give for a good lino print. I used 2, sandwiching the block between them. They absorb any movement when the press comes down, so the paper doesn't shift.
Various chocolate assortments are now in my shop.
They're adorable. And your press is up and running!
Also, hope you've seen your lovely print on Alex's dresses? Looks amazing.
Fantastic - A printing press in your own studio!
I am coveting your press! Yikes that's cool.....
These are delightful!! I want some!!
they are just delicious!
These are very awesome! And your press is a beauty too!
I thought you didn't like chocolate! What gives? ;-)
Lovely as always, perfectly edible!
wow it's really stunning! I'd use it as mini cards though!!! i like doing everything mini hehe
What an interesting machine. I bet it works way better than any modern contraption does!
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