Friday, 29 October 2010


A new dress I found at the secondhand shop. I bought it more than a year ago, and although it needed barely any adjusting, I couldn't find the time till now.

I took off the 70s collar, turned the sleeves up a bit and chopped about 20cm off the hem, which I used to make a faced hem - possibly the only way to hem a flared skirt. It's amazing, the things you can learn from books!

I'm considering printing a row of something along the hem, though it'll likely take another year before I get around to it.


mizu designs said...

Fab find and great adjustment. Loving your fabric prints too (posted previously).

Diana Ferreira said...

love the dres!

Denise Kiggan said...

I am alwyasinspired by your vintage clothing remodelling!