Wednesday, 1 April 2009

My leaf

My new pendant, made from a piece of a cup I decorated. (For the whole story, see here.) Thank you for such quick thinking, Chakra Pennywhistle! I love it, I've been wearing it ever since it arrived. There are a few more at The Broken Plate...

I popped in to town quickly this afternoon to have a look at the market at 210 Long Street. It's definitely worth visiting: very cool clothes, jewellery, ceramics, and there's a book shop.


  1. What a lovely pendant! I have something similar that I got at Clementina vd Walt - when she still had her shop in Kalk Bay - an old piece of broken porcelain in a silver setting - I am actually wearing it today!

  2. natasha korffn@gmail.com12:27 pm

    very funky!! i keep btoken cups for mosaics, but this is a ver y nice idea!!!

  3. Hi Jesse, gorgeous pendant! I have a little award for you - hop over to my blog to find out.
