Wednesday, 19 August 2009


Detail of drawing by Charles Rennie Mackintosh

Recently a client gave me a bunch of botanical drawings as part of a brief. I found them mesmerising, and have kept them stuck up above my desk since. When I finally had time to do some research, I learned why I was so captivated: they're by Charles Rennie Mackintosh.

Have a look at a whole lot here.


  1. gorgeous! love the overlapping lines/colors

  2. wow, it's so delicate compared to his more geometric work. beautiful :)

  3. I just came over from the link, his drawings are so inspiring! Love the colors in petunia and pine cones 1925. Thank you for sharing!

  4. Thanks for sharing the link. They are very inspiring! I was only familiar with his stained glass work. I love the colors(deep reds, purples, and mauves)and shapes (the juxtaposition of angular and rounded)in "Stagthorn, Walberswick" 1914. Also love the fern-like quality of "Veronica" 1915. Love the new brooches too, very colorful!
