Phew! Just managed to get these finished before the last bit of daylight faded, so I'm afraid these aren't great photos.
On the left, a bag I'm tempted to call the Blossom bag, but I think I've used that title a bit too often - any ideas? It has 2 small pockets inside and a smart stripey lining. On the right, the Basic Bookbag - no bells or whistles or zips or pockets, just a big sturdy bag.
I made them from the
panels I had printed a little while ago; each bag takes just 2 panels.
(Oh, and it's pretty door handle, don't you think?)
Very nice! Love the mint color. What fabric did you use for the handles?
ReplyDeleteVery pretty. Love the creme one, more my style ;)
ReplyDeleteAnd the handle, oh my. Oh my!!!! Not like mine, that are a horible silver ones, that just break just looking at them :(
I think you should call it "Floribunda" Bag - meaning 'abounding in blossoms'!
ReplyDeleteI like the name that Freshly Found has suggested: Floribunda.
ReplyDeleteWow, two bags in one day. I can barely get through one in months. I unpick and unpick, then think and then just never get round to finishing. :/ umm, perhaps I should relook at my 'new product's production line'. :)
oooohhhhh....I like Floribunda! Can I steal it for some earrings lol?
ReplyDeleteLovely bags! Very classy, and of course, very unique with your own prints. Love the shape of the bag on the left.
ReplyDeleteLovely name suggestion. Lovely bags.
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh, they are too cute! I can't decide which is my favorite! I'd love the left one to carry my knitting projects, but I'd love the right one to carry my craft books from the library! I thought Floret might be a nice name or skip the whole flower thing and just call it Blush. But what ever name you decide on, they are very pretty bags!!