Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Tatting - first tries

My first attempt at tatting, and my second! A bit lumpy, I hope better tension control will come with practice.


  1. This is too funny. I spent the last two nights learning to tat via terrible youtube videos. What are you learning from?

  2. Nice. It takes sometimes but the results are worth it. Like the colors you used.

  3. You will definitely master it! Your try-outs are looking so good already. Lovely to see tatting in colour!

  4. Is there anything that you do not do? (and I don't mean that in a mean, jealous or snarly way - more in a "wow, gee whiz"/glad that there's other crazy-creative people in the world that the internet affosds me a a window to) You are so inspiring.

  5. KV, the one I used was http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOimfd-bRdg and then I supplemented it with a bunch of old craft books.

  6. yes, I agree with Sonya :) You're quite a crafter!! I loved those pics of lace and tatting from the other day, it's great to see people are still making those sorts of things.

  7. Ah, I watched that before I got any supplies. It was too confusing, so I went the needle tatting way instead.
    Here's my 5th try: http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs167.snc1/6255_110909081658_500891658_2415008_77311_n.jpg

  8. It looks great for a first try! Love the orange and blue mix!

  9. You might like a stiffer thread. Softer threads are more difficult for me. Lizbeth thread is great, you can get it from Handy Hands- the address is hhtatting.com

  10. KV - impressive! I tried needle tatting too, and it does seem a lot faster. But I don't have a blunt needle, so it's not something I can do while watching a movie!

    Krystle - thanks, I hadn't thought about that, but now I see why some of my attempts worked better than others.

  11. What a lovely first attempt! Your stitches on your rings are very even for a beginner! It looks like you've are getting a handle on tension right from the beginning. As your tension improves even more you will look like a pro in no time at all! Fantastic work!
    ☺ ☺ ☺

  12. Oh god, my tatting looks so wretched next to this first try of yours. Congrats for crafty success!
