Wednesday, 9 September 2009


My 'studio printing table' is also our kitchen table; sometimes clearing away the printing stuff, making supper, cleaning up after supper, and then getting the printing stuff out again feels like a very long day. So when I found myself alone at home last night, I made the kind of supper you barely need a kitchen for (roast tomatoes, mash them, add green leaves, mix into pasta) and printed to my heart's content.

I can already see these as bags and books and purses! If there's anything you'd like to cut up yourself, let me know, because I won't be putting these in the shop as panels. Some of them are one-offs; the textile mill I get the base cloth from is closing down soon, and I doubt I'll be able to get the same colour and texture combinations easily elsewhere.


  1. I love printing in an empty house! Imagine having a whole studio :) someday, right!

  2. I love printing and stop, eheheh...

  3. So so beautiful! How do you do it all just at a kitchen table?

  4. they are sooo amazing!
    supper sounds yummy. i have given up working on kitchentable, the whole clearing up thing was too much for me, looking at your results i guess i should be more patient. a

  5. there's something so great about using your dining room table as a work bench -- it's much more intimate and fun than going elsewhere to work. print away! :)

  6. Gorgeous colours! You have been a busy bee! How sad that the Mill is closing down. So many businesses are just not making it at the moment. I sure hope things improve soon.

  7. I think you definitely need your own table! I hate clearing up when I'm in the middle of something creative!

    ps I tagged you today! :)

  8. Magnificent! Yes time alone is lovely - as long as I know its not going to last too long. So sad about all these fabric mills closing down.

  9. These are really beautiful! Sad to hear a business going under, jobs lost, a unique product gone, so sad. But these fabrics are lovely!

  10. Love the plum color, so nice with the grey!

  11. I too have the same issues! Though it is being slowly remedied. :)
    I love the fabrics. Perfection...But not too perfect...

  12. Gorgeous, it takes me to another place in time, in a wooden cottage in the Swiss Alps perhaps? Well done Jezze!I've tagged you on my blog, by the way :)

  13. OMG these are sooooo lovely Jesse!

  14. Lovely colours.

  15. I love printing especially you combine the printing four color in the paint, its looks beautiful.

  16. Anonymous6:51 am


    I would be interested in these how big are the pieces - I especially love the one third from the bottome but could mix them. I have some dining chairs that just need seat covers and could mix and match these.

    Let me know and how much


  17. Anonymous10:35 pm

    Any tips on where to get decent cloth in CT? And any other funky fabrics? The usual places have rubbish or they so expensive. Still haven't found anything funky. Wonder I'd there is a secret designer fabric place with reasonable offcuts!

  18. I wish I did know of a secret designer place - I'm running out of stocks myself.

  19. I wish I did know of a secret designer place - I'm running out of stocks myself.

  20. Anonymous10:29 am

    :( oh dear...I was holding thumbs you may have the answer! :)

    There must be somewhere! I was scratching around in wynberg yesterday but nothing exciting!
    Have a great day.
