Thursday, 15 October 2009

If you can't beat them....

New kitchen counter curtains. We had plain ones here before, but they do get dripped on, usually with coffee or something equally dark and staining. So why fight it? It's a kitchen, and coffee is a good thing.

Before, and after:

And now it's time to stop procrastinating and do the washing up that I cropped out of the photos.


  1. Love this solution! What an ingenious way to "join them" rather than beating them. Love it :)

  2. I vote on cropping out instead of washing and will probably implement that here too. :)

    The curtains look great!

  3. you are so funny! Love them!

  4. Great solution! Love the little "coffee" drops in the curtains. Good job.
    Have a nice weekend and enjoy the spring just over there.

  5. What a great idea! Coffee drip print could have all sorts of applications - I know it could be very useful in my house!
