Monday 11 November 2013

Leash Up!

This is Emile, asking all dog owners to please leash their dogs when they're out and about. Even if they're beautifully trained, and drop to sitting at a click of the tongue. Because humans aren't quick enough or clever enough to catch all the subtle doggie signals that pass between two hounds. And humans certainly aren't fast enough to catch hold of giant boerboels that take an instant dislike to miniature schauzers. 

Saying "That's so unlike my sweet boerboel/lab/rottie/frankendog" or "The little guy will be fine!" doesn't cut it. Apologising doesn't cut it either.

Leashing your dog when you're drinking in a pub on a busy street would be more helpful. Also when you're walking your dog and chatting on your phone. Or trying to get your dog into your car, while also herding your children and your shopping.

Or any other time your dog isn't securely behind a gate. Just use your imagination.


  1. I couldn't agree more - dogs should be on leashes at all times when in public places.
    (I hope Emile makes a speedy recovery... poor baby!)

  2. Poor Emile, I hope he heals quickly.

  3. Get well fast Emeli
    By the way your mother, is she ok now (jezze)

  4. Oh no! I am so sorry Jesse! I started to feel so sick and sad as I read your post!!! I hope Emile will heal up 100%, and that you will, too. (I haven't heard of this big dog breed - I had to look it up.)

  5. Oh poor Emile, get better soon x

  6. oh no! i'm so sorry. :( i hope emile heals quickly. a month ago an unleashed dog bolted from the owners house and tackled my leashed dog. i was so angry. SO ANGRY but somehow i managed not to use the f-word when yelling at the owner because his young children had witnessed the whole thing. wishing emile a speedy recovery.

  7. terrible, hope he gets well soon!

  8. Poor Emile! Sending him best wishes from NZ...

  9. Poor Emile, and how distressing for you too!

  10. Poor Emile! I hope he will recover quickly, and he's not to stressed by everything.

  11. This is really distressing, especially as I have a miniature schnauzer too - I hope Emile mends well and soon.

  12. Poor thing, it must have been so distressing. I think it's just plain stupid when people don't properly control their dogs. I often get a little nervous when dogs off leash run up to my young kids, even if the owners do feel confident that nothing will happen - because they're animals and you just never know.
