Tuesday 13 January 2015

New Year

I hope everyone had a good holiday! I found time to do a 16-page book in colour, another big drawing I can't talk about yet, and made some cheese - pretty good!

Although I've been 'back at work' for about a week, I've been loathe to get back to this blog. There's something about the format.... I try to find ways to avoid using the word 'I', I try not to start every post with 'I', but it's unavoidable, and I don't like it. I can't articulate the discomfort any more clearly yet. (So many 'I's in that paragraph.)

Rather than giving up on it entirely, I'm going to try to change it. More pictures, fewer words, perhaps. I'll try to find something that's comfortable. After all, there are no actual rules about blogging.


  1. Yes, that's the great thing about blogging - there are no rules except the ones you choose to make yourself! I hope you find a format you're comfortable with.

  2. I hope you can find something that works for you, as I would miss your posts. (And I will never say no to more pictures...)

  3. Welcome back....
    I would love some more pictures... don't worry about the "I"... I don't ;)

  4. Please don't consider giving up your blog because I love reading it! And it's the "I's" I love reading about! Because I am interested in what you do and your work and how you go about it. Only you can tell me that so naturally that includes lots of "I's"! Love your blog and sending you best wishes from Germany!
