Friday 6 March 2015

Die Heks van Heksrivier

This is a post that should have gone up exactly a week ago, when the drawing above was actually on display at the Design Indaba, and prints of it for sale. It was part of the Paper Planes exhibition organised by Alexander's Band. (The prints will be on exhibition elsewhere, and for sale online, later in the year, in case you missed it.) (And I'm working up some lino blocks of the disa flower from the drawing that I think will make very nice cushions.)

I've been printing up a very big fabric order and illustrating 2 books, which wiped me out and brought ordinary day-to-day existence to a standstill. Time to revise my estimates of how much printing I can do in one day, or twenty.


  1. This is such a beautiful drawing. I love the way the flowers are set on such a craggy jut of rock. Gorgeous work!

  2. Anonymous12:11 pm

    Wonderful drawing Jesse! I love the texture of the mountain - it so perfectly evokes the quality of that 'Table Mountain sandstone' (or whatever the official geological terminology is!?) that makes up much of the Cape Fold Belt mountains. And I can see that the disa flowers will indeed make a very cool pattern for cushion covers. Also nice to see your preliminary/wip drawings in your subsequent post - you should definitely pursue the 'angry ghost looming large above the tiny town' idea. It's great!
