Wednesday 1 April 2015

Lino Block Printing Class: more info

A bit more about what we'll be doing at the printing class at the end of April:

Day 1 - how to cut lino blocks, prepare them for printing, and start printing; how to create repeat patterns, how to plan repeat patterns, and how to print them

Day 2 - as much printing as we can manage!

The class fee includes materials, so you'll be able to take home everything you need to carry on printing. Fabric will be provided, but you're also encouraged to bring along extra fabric to experiment with, as well as t-shirts, cushion covers, table cloths, tote bags... anything that might benefit from some splashes of colour and well-placed prints.

I'll be providing templates for a basic cushion cover, a tote bag, a purse, and a fabric bucket, so you'll be able to turn your fabric prints into useful items.

We'll have a lot to get through, as I've tried to include everything that you'd need to know to carry on printing and experimenting by yourself afterwards. It's going to be a lot of work, but a lot of fun too!


  1. Anonymous9:36 am

    This is going to be fantastic! Wish I could be in Cape Town at the end of April to attend.

  2. Awesome! hello from a fellow linocut printer here in Indonesia :)
