Thursday 18 June 2015

Another Printing Workshop!

 I'm running another block printing workshop at the Artsource studio in Observatory at the end of July. This time I'm working with City Soiree.

Instead of a whole weekend, the workshop will be divided into two stand-alone courses, on consecutive Saturdays. The first will be about cutting and simple printing, the second about printing repeats and more complex patterns. 

You can attend one or both; if you've never cut lino before, the first course will take you through cutting, preparing, and printing simple blocks. (And you don't need to be able to draw, I promise!)

The week's break in between the two will give you time to finish cutting your blocks, at your own pace. And then, if you've played around with lino before, have some blocks you'd like to print, need fresh eyes on your patterns, want to figure out some new pattern configurations, and generally just want to print, the second course will have all that. 

The course fee doesn't include supplies this time, because I found at the last course that quite a few people already had tools and fabric. Everything you need will be available for purchase at Artsource next door, though, and what they don't have, I'll have. There's a full list of requirements on the City Soiree page.

So head on over to City Soiree and sign up!

While you're there, have a look at some of the other events they're organising, too. Very exciting!

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