Monday, 27 October 2008


Oops! Didn't mean to be gone for so long... last week was very busy.

I've been illustrating two books, as well as getting stock ready for Kamersvol Geskenke. I wasn't sure how I'd get through this month, so in desperation I drew up a timetable, splitting my days into drawing time and crafting time. (I didn't budget enough time for daily blog reading, there's serious catching up to do....) So far it's worked incredibly well: while I'm drawing I'm concentrating on that, and when I put the books aside I'm focused on printing or sewing. I've given myself time for errands, and - sheer luxury! - a lunch hour, when I also take the dog for a walk. In the last three weeks I've done more work than I thought possible; it seems study timetables aren't just for exams.

Packaging for Kamersvol was a daunting task; every single item had to be tagged and priced. Luckily, I had a bit of a revelation about packaging and labeling after reading this post by The Wren.

My name, contact details, product information, the price code, and the price have to be on each thing, because I won't be there to talk to customers. For someone who equates packaging with advertising, and has (I think) a healthy distrust of both, I had a surprising amount of fun!


painted fish studio said...

great packaging! i enjoy designing it, but get so worried about excess waste that i hold back. i'm getting too anal about my carbon footprint...

Anairam said...

Wow - so timetables do work outside of school and varsity! What a pity you will not be at KVG in person - I am hoping to go on Friday or Saturday - and I will definitely look out for your stand/shelf. I promise to read the labels!

Wendren said...

I am glad my post helped.
I will be visitng the Kamersvol Geskenke on Thursday and I look forward to seeing your products.
P.S. Your labels are beautiful! :)

Sherrin said...

I love your labels! This is the kind of packaging that appeals to me. :o) Good idea on the timetabling... very wise. I think I need to do something like that too!

sue bulmer said...

With great results, loving the packaging x

Denise Kiggan said...

The results are beautiful!
Well done on your timetable, etc. You are such a prolific producer at the best of times! Didn't think there was any room to get better!

Amy Kerr-Menz said...

Thanks for your comment about pricing's nice to know I'm not alone! :)

It is a dilemma but I've decided to do the same and keep my prices US based. I have, however, reduced all of my shipping prices to suit the current times.

Your packaging looks fabulous! All the very best for Kamersvol Geskenke :)

Anonymous said...

Lovely labels! Hope you have lots of success at Kamersvol Geskenke.

Heloise said...

You've done a great job - I'm hoping to go on Sunday and I'm really looking forward to it, good luck