Tuesday 25 November 2008


Can't turn your back for a second in this house. Bake a simple pudding, and someone has to decorate it.

Never noticed before, but our stove is labeled in two languages; it's old! And clearly South African.

Another thing that's South African is SA Rocks. Sarah from Babazeka is a contributor, and posted an interview with me. Thank you! It's a pretty cool site - there's even a recipe for Baccala.

I told Sarah that I'd have Christmas stuff in my shop this week. Um... I will. Today was just a complicated day. I walked to the Post Office twice, the second time because I'd forgotten the address for the thing I wanted to post the first time. Both times I walked past the bank and forgot to draw money. Spaced? I think so.


Anairam said...

Hahaha - this is very funny! Those plastic toys come in very handy for embellishing everyday scenes. I also had a laugh at your P.O. trip(s). I had a space cadet moment yesterday when I hid my purse (the one with all my money and all my cards and my ID) before going for a quick walk. I always hide it because I'm terrified someone will break in and steal my life, i.e. purse. Later that night I discovered my purse was not in my handbag, got into a complete tizz, running around like a mad chicken, scrabbling around cupboards, going through all my pockets, emptying all my other handbags, searching my car by flashlight, etc. Then I remembered that I had hidden it and looked in my usual hiding place but it wasn't there. It was a full ten minutes later that I remembered that I hid it in a new hidingplace, i.e. under the mattress. Definitely demented ...

painted fish studio said...

i had that kind of day today. seeing a plastic man in my dinner would have made everything better!

Alex Sunday said...

he he. i love that photo!

Brittany | the Home Ground said...

This is so funny!!

Heloise said...

hey, a tweetalige Michael Jackson.

Heather Moore said...

Hee hee!

(word veri is "elibles". Your pie looks very elible to me. yum!)

kat said...

I especially like that he's purple!

Berreca said...

ha ha ha!!! I love it!