Like any food left out, these will attract flies, so I suppose I'm still on topic for what's become the Week of Flies...
Hertzoggies are fairly easy to make, if a bit fiddly. But I think any recipe with more than 2 steps (mix, bake) is fiddly. For a more descriptive photo and a recipe, have a look here. And if you don't like coconut, you can always make Jan Smutsies. (Thanks, Jo, for the links!)
Those Jan Smutsies - at least visually - remind me a little of my all-time favorite Italian pastry, pasticciotti.
Hertzoggies! How my childhood holidays in Napier come whooshing back ... Mary in the kitchen baking hertzoggies and vettertjies, and the tins where these delights were stored ...
yum! i want to make these!
They were so good, we should make them again. My man ate most of the ones I kept :P.
Those look so scrumptious.
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