Monday, 12 April 2010


Also known as borage, which sounds more like a goblin than a flower. Although edible blue things are not to be wasted, I haven't done much more than draw the flowers. (Oh, and the vase is by Cornelius Lemmer.)

Here's a peak at part of a Thing I'm Working On:


Musings Of A Gem said...

That vase is funny!

Visit my blog

Gem X

Mengsel said...

Beautiful drawing. Looove the vase. Where is it from?

Deniz said...

beautiful! i really wish i could draw half as well as you!

lauren fowler said...

wow! I love that drawing! beauty.

Heloise said...

Love the vase and the flowers - so dainty

sakurasnow said...

Beautiful drawing (and the flowers look good in that crazy vase :). Looking forward to seeing more of the Thing you're Working On...

starry said...

Beautiful drawing and an interesting vase.