Friday, 6 May 2011

Quiet Drawing

Started a drawing no-one's paying me to do. It's a lovely feeling.

It's not the most original idea ever, but trying to come up with such an idea wasn't getting me any closer to actually drawing. While working on it, I had 3 more ideas, all a bit better, so there's something to be said for Just Starting.

Audiobooks are my latest weapon in the war against bad thoughts. Seems that while I'm following a narrative, I can't think in words. So all the negative comments, the doubts, the rationalisations, are blissfully silenced, and I can simply watch my hands getting on with things.


Anonymous said...

Yes! I also listen to audiobooks while I draw. It has the strange side effect that afterwards, when I look at a certain part of a drawing, I remember the bit of story I was listening to at the time.

Carina said...

Don't listen to the negative, meanie voice in your head!

You've got X-Factor! You! :-)

And if you need a reminder: check out all the comments here:

You rock!

Denise Kiggan said...

How lovely. Good for the soul!

Jan said...

Booyah for just starting! My husband teaches psychology and was telling me about a video that he shows each semester about schizophrenia. It portrays an afflicted person trying to go about their day, while alllllll these voices are coming at them driving them literally crazy. M started doing it to me in the grocery store to be funny, but it made me think how it wasn't much different than the inner voices we berate ourselves with all the time when creating. Tuning them out sounds like a good solution.. maybe if you do it long enough, you can untrain your brain to talk at all. Good on ya!!

Rosy Lady said...

I love your work hun and I know I am one of many. But, I know we are usually our own worse critics and therefore our own worse enemies. I'm still working on this myself. Good on you for dealing with it head-on. xx

Danya Ristić said...

Good for you. I know exactly what you mean about the pleasant results that can come from just starting - it seems almost too simple, but once pen is on paper and you've made a little progress something starts flowing and pulls you along, whereas it had just sat tight earlier - even while you were actively contemplating putting pen to paper.

tjou-tjou said...

} sooo nuuskierig. jou scamps lyk cool.