Thursday, 16 February 2012

On Order

I've decided to try something new: I'm listing items in my Etsy shop that I haven't made yet. Instead, they'll be made to order, and shipped within a week of purchase.

They're all items I've made and sold on Etsy before, and things that I keep intending to make again and re-list for sale. The problem I have (if you can call it a problem, I'm aware that it's a great situation to be in) is that I'm constantly printing big orders, and snatching bits of time to try new prints, but not getting around to reprinting sold items. There are so many things I want to print second or third versions of that I can't decide where to start.

So now you can help me decide!

Speaking of new things, I had a Facebook page for my prints for about a week or so. I've deleted it now. (Thanks for liking it if you did spot it while it was up.) I really did try to hang in there, but something about Facebook creeps me out. I can't seem to figure out how to navigate it, and I don't really understand what it's for. It's also rather ugly. Every time I opened the page I felt prickly, itchy, squeamish .... It didn't seem worth putting up with.


mizu designs said...

Good idea to list 'for order' products.

I've never been on FB but from what I've heard your experience sounds about right. And if something's not pretty (or useful), why hang out there. Right? :)

Jules Means said...

Can you show pix and a source for perspex backing for your blocks? I've googled to no avail. Thanks, Jules

sakurasnow said...

That's a great idea Jesse!

And I have a similar 'allergic reaction' to FB! I was persuaded to sign up by friends when I moved from one country to another - apparently it's a 'good way to keep in touch' (bring back the handwritten letter I say!) - but each time I log in (once in a very-blue moon) I feel creeped-out and, worse, creepy! I'm glad to hear I'm not alone :)

Jesse said...

Hi Jules

I get the perspex in the form of offcuts from the local art shop, but you should be able to buy it from hardware stores, I think.
The thickness I use can be cut with a craft knife, and I stick the lino on with contact glue.

Jo said...

I'm with you about Facebook Jesse - just doesnt feel right. And I think if something doesn't feel right we should listen to our instincts. Great move to take orders, hope it helps your business.

Unknown said...

I have the exact same feeling with FB but it is a vey much used medium so I try to keep on with it. I'm sure I' not using it at all very well, but here is my system D to keep it alive without actually going on the ugly interface: through "networkblogged", all my blog posts go directly there. I share a few links there too, for example if I see a project from The Icelandic Knitter on a blog, I use the "Add this" button. Just started pinterest which can be also connected to FB, so each time I pin there's an automatic FB post about it.
Another thing: if someone comment on your post and you get informed in your email, you can actually reply to it directly from your emil without going on it.

Good luck!

strikk handknits said...

With you on the FB bit, but alas, do believe it has some merit but requires constant attention - along with Twitter, blog, shop.....etc.
But having said that, my goodness, I so love your cushions and the prints. Sorry haven't spotted them earlier. Do they come in shoes?;-)
Everything I make is to order and it works fine. Hand made does take time... :-)

theperfectnose said...

Beautiful. Do you also sell the fabrics themselves?

Jesse said...

Thank you! Selling fabrics again is definitely in my plans for this year, but it might have to wait for winter and quieter times.