Tuesday, 21 April 2009


Last week The Wren awarded me the Kreativ Blogger award; twice awarded, I feel very lucky! I won't make another list, but I'll show off my new tea cup, as tea seems to be on everyone's lists. (I suspect it's a punch cup rather than a tea cup, but it does make rosehip and berry tea look so pretty.)

I'm busy listing yesterday's brooches in my shop; I'll tweet them as I go, in case there's one you have your eye on. Thanks for the great reception they got!


  1. The new brooches are gorgeous. My favourite is the evening brooch: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=23981706

  2. oh my goodness, are you tweeting too? how do you have the time? i'm trying not to get involved but the more people i notice are doing it, the more i want to join in. but 3 shops, a blog, a website, flickr, facebook - i would never leave the house!
    lovely tea-cup and very lovely brooches by the way.

    thanks for your sweet comment today. i've got the notebook bug at the mo.

  3. the new brooches are amazing!
    had to laugh about francescas comment- i've been wondering how much one can do online... trying hard not to spend to much time in cyberworld... but then i tweet to, so shall follow yours

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  6. HI Jesse, thanks for the lovely comments on my bird cards, they were really encouraging at a time when I just needed them!! Thanks hon x
