Wednesday 20 May 2009

It's a repeat!

It's a repeat in more ways than one. The pattern originally comes from this print, and I reworked it to make it repeat. The whole cutting up the drawing and sticking it together again thing works, and is pretty fascinating to do.


Unknown said...

ooh, yummy. My husband saw it over my shoulder and said he was looking for something like it for a client who's having metal screens made -- I sent him the link :-)

Dee said...

I'm never quite happy with any of my repeat pattern attempts but this is lovely.

erich said...


flowerpress said...

I remember loving this design when you had the exhibition, how beautiful it looks as a repeat. You have been busy!!

Tracey said...

Gorgeous. The jigsaw method is fun isn't it?

Francesca said...

a lovely print jesse. i saw a great tutorial on repeat patterns not so long ago but i can't remember where. this has worked a treat.

painted fish studio said...

i recognized it immediately! :)

Jenny said...

I love the print. And the nouveau-ness of the pattern! I tried the cut-up-the-paper thing for patterns I haven't finished yet, and it's so much fun it's kind of addictive! Great work!

lauren fowler said...

this is so beautiful, i would love to cover my wall in that!

sewtakeahike said...

it's beautiful! I have to try this, I saw it on someone else's blog this last week and have to make myself sit down and do it!