Tuesday, 21 August 2012

One More Fat Quarter

Red wreaths on linen, now in my shop. I couldn't resist seeing what this block might look like on fabric, even though I designed it very specifically as a paper print.

Illustration jobs are lined up back-to-back, and sometimes overlapping, for the next few months, so I'll have to fit printing in where I can for the next while. It's not great timing, as this would be a good time to build up stock for the busy season, but I can't really complain. (Not really....) The annual schoolbook rush is harvest time for illustrators.

Rest assured that anything ordered from my shop will be printed and made up and shipped speedily, though I might not have much time for anything new right now. (And of course this is when all the ideas come!) Hopefully I'll be able to take a brief printing break every now and again from drawing levers and pulleys and gears - and Cinderella dressed Downton Abbey style. Hey, you have to make your fun where you can!


  1. There is something about red on linen that is just beautiful, I love to embroider on linen with red cotton too :)

  2. Anonymous1:36 am

    LOL...my thoughts exactly. Red on linen...really nice. I have a friend who does red embroidery on linen and I love it.

  3. I read your blog... and I can say one thing: pity that I can not go to one of your courses...
