Friday, 24 August 2012

That's What I Was Thinking!

Two great bits of writing that had me nodding my head in agreement recently:

Sonya Philip's 100 Acts of Sewing statement, and Lara Cameron's post about interior design trends.

Time to wander outside and stare at the sky for a bit and have a deep think.


  1. Very interesting links, thanks. I make my own clothes and sometimes wonder if I'm a bit 'off the wall' so I like to read a post that is an affirmation of what I'm doing!

  2. I was surprised to see my name on your blog - that split-second of confusion and I am super pleased to hear you agree. And I read Laura Cameron's post and woo boy do I agree with that. "It's hard to resist conforming sometimes when everything is triangles or geometrics or neon pink." I think these exact same thoughts have gone through my head. Thanks so much for sharing the link to my website and when you come in from your think and want an email discussion with a kindred spirit, let me know!

  3. Thanks for bringing Lara's post to my attention! I'd not have seen it otherwise and it was wonderful. I've been doing a bit of thinking myself...

    Off to read Sonya's piece now :)

  4. Ack! That was also fabulous! I have a few friends that I need to share that with!

  5. Thanks so much for Lara Cameron's link - I so agree! Makes one feel not so alone in ones thinking :-)

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