Monday, 10 September 2007

Sunday printing

A large part of Sunday was spent printing. I sorted out the registration issue with the 2-colour flowers; it's still not perfectly registered, but good enough. I experimented with adding opaque medium to the paints for printing light colours on dark cloth; it made the paint lumpy and dry. It's an interesting effect, but not right for these particular prints. And I still haven't run out of options with the colours, blocks, and cloth that I have, so I'll stick to dark on light for a while.


Christopher de Beer said...

:) i like the ones that overlap :)

theaburgerart said...

Hello jezze, I hope you don't mind but I tagged you :) ! Just check out my blog for instructions on what to do when tagged.....

Cristina Salgueiro said...

I like the one with the green and orange flowers, i think it will make a beautiful bag!

yum said...

lovely blog,
greetings from kaapstad

Unknown said...

My name is Meera and I am from India..I came across your blog and thought of penning down a few lines to you...The prints are just beautiful..It is so simple that the translation in to an interesting fabrics, is very inspiring...
will look froward to more from you...
please cehck my blog when u have time..
Have a nice day

Anonymous said...

Hi Jezze..

im apoorva from delhi, india, studying design. i have to tell you, your work is very inspiring! Since im considering textiles as an option for further design studies, im glad i came across your blog. I like the way you use your prints on varied surfaces and not just cloth.Awesome stuff!

Take Care:)