Wednesday, 11 June 2008

I don't have a picture for this post....

Thanks for the great response to my Swatch Swap idea! It's going to be fun. Do spread the word on your blogs if you've decided to join in - I'm keen to see how far it could go. Oh, and if you get other people to print your designs for you, that counts as handprinted too.

Heather's written a great step-by-step about how we did the decorated plates at Skinny laMinx. And thank you to Irene for featuring our plates on Bloesem!


Kristin Loganbill said...

thanks for that link- I wondered about how to do that-
yet another fun thing to try!

Erin said...

i love that that tutorial is up. your ceramics came out beautifully!

Also, I am so excited to try and do stuff to fabric to send you. looking very forward to that!