Wednesday 28 November 2007

Bit of a green day...

A protea print I'm happy with! It's printed on quite rough cloth, so the texture of the fading stems shows up well. I was also less haphazard with the placement of the blocks, this time.

What I did with the original print, before listening to anyone's advice:

And a few more:

I'm really enjoying this last one, and I think I'll print it in lots of different colour combinations. One of the things with a medium that's so process-heavy, though, is that my judgment is affected by how just how much fun I have with that process. I can't really tell whether I like the print, or whether I just like printing it! If these were designed on paper or screen and all printed in the same way, I'd be able to look at them more impartially.

Another thing I've noticed is that the lino blocks are wearing down. Not surprising, considering I've pulled well over a hundred prints with some of them. Printing on paper I've never pulled more than about 30 off a single block. It might be time to source some wood, at least for the blocks I know I'll use often.


sue bulmer said...

These have turned out lovely. I REALLY like the protea!
Just out of curiosity, I want to try some lino printing on paper, what kind of ink should I use. I'm a complete beginner (if you don't count the one I did 20years ago at school!) and want to get into again, am very inspired by your blog!!

Anonymous said...

Wow Jesse!!! These are fabulous, well done! I like them so much I've done a post on them.

erin said...

I love everything!

Is that block printing ink or is it some kind of fabric paint? The colors are so nice!

Ruzana said...

Wow! They look great!

Kaija said...

Wow! You've been working really hard. I like these all very much, the protea is my favorite, though!

It's nice to wake up with the sounds of a snow plow and still be able to see such pretty flowers.

Jesse said...

Hi Erin - I couldn't find an email address for you.

It's fabric paint, the kind you cure by ironing or baking in the oven.

Bianca said...

omg...these look amazing...I love the green and blue must be fun printing...i can imagine

kbd said...

hi Jesse, are the proteas going to end up in your etsy shop? Do you do tea towels/table cloths with them? Or just the print? Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Are you going to sell the protea fabric?
I would love to buy it. I like the green, but it would be beautiful in many different colors.

Jesse said...

I do sell cushion covers with the protea print, and can print fabric to order, so just let me know!