It's time to say goodbye to one of my favourite prints. I'm struggling to find any more of this cotton tape with the red line woven through it, and it's unlikely I'll be printing the scissors ribbon again. I've listed the last few pieces in my Etsy shop. (Other new listings are some embroidered brooches, and the bit of ribbon below.)
Update: the Scissors ribbon is also available in Europe, from Volksfaden - while stocks last!
And then, since all the printing stuff was out anyway, I tried to save an old skirt.
Not sure about this one, but I'll wear it for a few days, or at least until someone laughs at me. It was ruined already, as I only remember to wear aprons when I'm printing, not when I'm cooking. Whatever it looks like now, at least you can't see the stains, so on a practical level, it worked.
I think I saw this exact tape at my local shack of sewing, fabric etc supplies, I will have another look next time if you want?
I actually thought 'ooh thats unusual and nice' but wasn't what I was looking for.
i'm pretty sure I can get this tape wholesale if you change your mind. I use it for some of my aprons, and the place I get it, sells it by the yard and spool. but I know that some times it's good to just move on, but let me know!
I think your skirt looks great!
goodbye, sweet tape, if this is the end. i have such fond memories of you. you were one of my first loves in the beginnings of my blog life, and i wanted you so... i wanted to put you on everything. i still have bits of you here and there, and i will savor the sweet memories. xo, jen
Did you see your tape on the 'oh so beautiful paper' blog?
I thought it was "Farewell, I'm not blogging anymore." Phew. That skirt is fantastic. I wouldn't laugh, I would covet.
I thought it was farewell to the blogging as well! So pleased it's not, and I love the skirt!
What a cute skirt! Amazing what a bit of imagination can do.
Oh my goodness, I saw the heading Farewell and thought 'Eeeeeeeeeek!' Fortunately you are not leaving us - and I am very glad for that.
PS The skirt looks lovely (and is clever), why would anyone laugh??
These tapes have been delightful. I hope you do find another supply! The skirt - I LOVE it!
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