Tuesday 29 May 2012


 Struck by a burst of inspiration, I carved a block based on this doodle.

It looks quite nice on a yellowing dictionary page, too. I'm thinking of cutting some letters so I can print initials in the middle of the wreath - what do you think? Too twee? We can't have any twee... but perhaps gothy twee is okay?

I printed some twigs, too, also on dictionary pages. Completely made up plants.

Please don't worry that I've developed a thing for ripping up books. This is a very old dictionary (it has an End Conscription Campaign sticker on the cover) and lots of the pages are torn and useless. But the ones that are left are a lovely yellowy colour. 

 And for the minimalists among us, Vintage Pattern Lady cards - so blank they're practically naked.

I'll be getting everything into the shop soon! (Edit: added to this shop and this one.)


Manos L. Symeonakis said...

Can I intrigue you enought to try some newspaper..?

: )

Unknown said...

I LOVE the olive-y one....

Michael said...

Lovely, not too twee at all!

Masha said...

Stunning, especially the one on the "dibber - different" page. They do look good on print, esp those old yellowed pages.

Samantha said...

Love it Jesse - a bit of twee is alright I think every once in a while.

lathelize said...

I read your blog for a long time ( several years) ans this afternoon, in a public library en Lyon (France), I found Laurie Wisbrun's book with your interviews and tutos. I was so happy. So I wrote an article about for the french sewing communautary site, www.threadandneedles.fr. We'll publish it soon!

sakurasnow said...

Wonderful work Jesse! Like Masha above I also love the 'dibber-different' page - the combination of veined and unveined leaves works beautifully! And the wreath definitely has just the right amount of (gothic) edge to dispel any problems-of-twee, methinks!

Danya Ristić said...

Lovely carvings - especially the first one!

Heavenly Handmade said...

Hi! Don't you have the Vintage pattern ladies like the ones in the photo? I see only gift tags in your shop, and I'd really like those two as they are. To frame. And hang on my wall. Please?

Jesse said...

I couldn't find an email address to reply, Heavenly Handmade, but I will have them in my shop soon! Sorry about that - the photos I took weren't great, so I need to do them again.

Alisa said...

Lovely botanicals - apparently made up plants are pure elegance! And twee never entered my mind.

Sonya Philip said...

I love these ladies so much!