Wednesday, 3 September 2008


For those of us who are a bit impatient in the kitchen, the Steam tea towel! I swiped the steam from this teacup and stenciled it onto thick cotton fabric.

So next time somebody complains about cold food, position your handy tea towel behind the plate, hold a rolling pin in your other hand in a casual, non-threatening way, and ask them to repeat themselves, please. No more complaints!

Check it out in my shop, with mitred corners, no less. (The towel, not the shop, obviously.)


Heloise said...

Love it. (Especially the interactive part.)

Anonymous said...

The first thing I thought of was how great this would be as some sort of devilish crown for a Halloween costume! Don't know why, just popped into my head;)
Sorry to hear about your phone incident:( but glad you are ok!
take care~

Inklore said...

what a great the towel!

Heather Moore said...

It's fantastic! And what a brilliant shot. Eek!

Jan said...

Good one!!! Love it.

Anonymous said...

This is so fun! And what a great pic! :)

Denise Kiggan said...

You are so Clever! And Funny! And Such Good Quality [mitred corners and all that]! What a good idea for a pattern